
Kick Ass HTML5


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What is HTML5

The next-generation of HTML from the Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group (WHATWG). HTML5 is designed to provide a comprehensive application development platform for Web pages that eliminates the need to install third-party browser plug-ins such as Java and Flash.

HTML5 provides support for 2D graphics (see canvas element), document editing, drag and drop, browser history management, video playback and local file storage.
So last year at Code PaLOUsa...
So this year...

This is 200-level class:

One step above last year, but still very much for beginners


There are lots of experts here at Code PaLOUsa...
    No Shims, no Polyfilles, no Modernizr. Although, in retrospect...
    I did use some sound libraries, jQuery, and stats.
    Warning!!! JavaScript is Ahead!!!

The Challenge: Develop an HTML5 Game

Basic Purpose:

What's it take to develop a working game

Along the way:

Talk about the technologies, choices, and observations (good and BAD) I made along the way


It must be Kick Ass. Use HTML5 and have fun doing it. The session is late in the day on the last day. So if people don't laugh at least once, then I did something. wrong

Why a Game?

Jane McGonigal:

Reality is Broken
  • Currently there are more than half a billion people worldwide playing computer and videogames at least an hour a day -- and 183 million in the U.S. alone. The younger you are, the more likely you are to be a gamer -- 99% of boys under 18 and 94% of girls under 18 report playing videogames regularly.

    The average young person racks up 10,000 hours of gaming by the age of 21 -- or 24 hours less than they spend in a classroom for all of middle and high school if they have perfect attendance.
  • We go online and take on challenges... work because it's often more rewarding than our day to day life.
  • We need to start to bring the concept of the game into our real life.

First Choice: What are our options?
  • Canvas: The canvas element is part of HTML5 and allows for dynamic, scriptable rendering of 2D shapes and bitmap images. It is a low level, procedural model that updates a bitmap and does not have a built-in scene graph.

  • WebGL: WebGL (Web-based Graphics Library) is a software library that extends the capability of the JavaScript programming language to allow it to generate interactive 3D graphics within any compatible web browser.

    WebGL code executes on a computer display card's Graphics Processing Unit (GPU), which must support shader rendering.

    WebGL is a context of the canvas HTML element that provides a 3D computer graphics API without the use of plug-ins. The specification was released as version 1.0 on March 3, 2011.[1] WebGL is managed by the non-profit Khronos Group.

HyBird Example
Opps Hybrid Example
  • Written in Java and ported with GWT.
  • Uses a library developed called PlayN, which allowed developers to work entirely in Java.
  • Physics engine called Web2D
  • Find out more in an Interview with Joel Webber...
Let's Get Started

Kick Ass Technique 1: Let's animate something with canvas

Kick Ass

First Thing... let's get a context and write to it

	var canvas = $('#kickass')[0];
	var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
	ctx.textAlign = "center";
	ctx.font  = 'bold 30px sans-serif';
	ctx.strokeText('Code PaLOUsa', canvas.width/2, 50);
Now let's animate it...
  1. requestAnimationFrame

  2. Setup a Game loop

  3. Do Some Updates and Draw

Finish up making it move
//this clear's the last screen
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
Works but... and keep moving
Wait we want a basketball
ctx.translate(x, y);
Still More Questions...
  • What about more than one ball? (//multiple)
  • What about rotation? (//rotation)
Observation 1

Kick Ass Technique 1: Let's animate something with canvas

    Kick Ass Observation 1:
  • Yes, it's JavaScript. No it's not scary, in fact... You're JavaScript WILL get better. Bite the bullet. JavaScript only gets even more important moving forward.

Technique 2: Sprite Animation

Kick Ass Technique 2: Let's make something explode

Technique 2: Sprite Animation

game.ballSize = 55;
ctx.translate(x, y);
game.ctx.drawImage(imageObject, step*game.ballSize, 0, 
game.ballSize, game.ballSize, -game.ballSize/2, -game.ballSize/2,
game.ballSize, game.ballSize);
ctx.restore(); //advances the step if (step<=MAX_STEP){ step = step +1; }else{ step = MAX_STEP; } return step;
Blow Stuff Up
Press the space bar to blowup the ball!!! (Feels good huh?)
Donkey Spritesheet
Observation 2

Kick Ass Technique 2: Let's make something explode

Kick Ass Technique 2:

  • I found I had to use a modulus to skip a few frames to slowdown the animation.
  • I made my graphics way too big. The drawImage() method has a scale parameter. Make your images smaller and scale if needed.
Technique 3: AssetManager

Seth Ladd

ASSET_MANAGER.queueSound('falling', theme.sounds.FALLING);


Technique 4: How do we get sound
this.cache[path] = soundManager.createSound({
     id: id,
     autoLoad: true,
     url: path,
     onload: function() {
         that.successCount += 1;
         if (that.isDone()) {
if(Math.floor(Math.random() * 10)===5){
	b.ballType = ASSET_MANAGER.getAsset(theme.images.SPECIAL);
	ASSET_MANAGER.getAsset(theme.sounds.FALLING).play({volume: 50});
	b.BASE_VALUE = 10;
	b.BASE_VALUE = 1;
	b.ballType = ASSET_MANAGER.getAsset(theme.images.BALL);
Technique 3/4 Observation

Technique 3/4 Observations:

  • <3 <3 <3
  • Really like Sound Manager 2
Technique 5: More Goodness
  • Stats.js / about:flags
script type="text/javascript" src="scripts/stats.js"
game.stats = new Stats();
// I only did this because I wanted it to float
Overall Observation

Let's read the code as a whole

Overall Observation

Overall Observations:

  • Debugging/logging at 50 FPS is a totally different experience
  • Cacheing... Browser, webserver
  • Javascript processing on mobile devices REALLY are slower
  • web worker (threads) Not Implemented
var worker = new Worker('my_task.js');  
worker.onmessage = function(event) {  
 console.log("Called back by the worker!\n");  
self.onmessage = function(event) {  
  self.postMessage('Hi there!');  
Resources & Credits
  • Seth Ladd, Developer Advocate Google
  • Sounds, http://www.freesound.org
  • Graphics, http://depositphotos.com
  • Google for Slide deck and, sheer Awesome-ness!

Kick Ass HTML5


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