press → key to advance.
window.addEventListener('deviceorientation', function(event) { var a = event.alpha; var b = event.beta; var g = event.gamma; }, false);
Kick Ass Technique 1: Let's animate something with canvas
$('document').ready(function(){ var canvas = $('#kickass')[0]; var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); ... ctx.textAlign = "center"; ctx.font = 'bold 30px sans-serif'; ctx.strokeText('Code PaLOUsa', canvas.width/2, 50); });
//this clear's the last screen ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
ctx.translate(x, y);
Kick Ass Technique 1: Let's animate something with canvas
Kick Ass Technique 2: Let's make something explode
game.ballSize = 55; ... ctx.save(); ctx.translate(x, y); game.ctx.drawImage(imageObject, step*game.ballSize, 0,
game.ballSize, game.ballSize, -game.ballSize/2, -game.ballSize/2,
game.ballSize, game.ballSize); ctx.restore(); //advances the step if (step<=MAX_STEP){ step = step +1; }else{ step = MAX_STEP; } return step;
Kick Ass Technique 2: Let's make something explode
Kick Ass Technique 2:
Seth Ladd
ASSET_MANAGER.queueSound('falling', theme.sounds.FALLING); ASSET_MANAGER.queueDownload(theme.images.CHARACTER);
ASSET_MANAGER.getSound(theme.sounds.START).play(); ASSET_MANAGER.getAsset(theme.images.SPECIAL);
this.cache[path] = soundManager.createSound({ id: id, autoLoad: true, url: path, onload: function() { that.successCount += 1; if (that.isDone()) { soundsCallback(); } } });
if(Math.floor(Math.random() * 10)===5){ b.ballType = ASSET_MANAGER.getAsset(theme.images.SPECIAL); ASSET_MANAGER.getAsset(theme.sounds.FALLING).play({volume: 50}); b.BASE_VALUE = 10; }else{ b.BASE_VALUE = 1; b.ballType = ASSET_MANAGER.getAsset(theme.images.BALL); }
Technique 3/4 Observations:
script type="text/javascript" src="scripts/stats.js" ... game.stats = new Stats(); ... $("#myFps").append(game.stats.domElement); // I only did this because I wanted it to float
Let's read the code as a whole
Overall Observations:
var worker = new Worker('my_task.js'); worker.onmessage = function(event) { console.log("Called back by the worker!\n"); };my_task.js
self.onmessage = function(event) { self.postMessage('Hi there!'); };
press → key to advance.